Safety Stock Formula & Calculator

LAST UPDATE: September 24th, 2020


Formula – How to calculate safety stock

Safety Stock = (Max Daily Usage in Units x Max Lead Time in Days) – (Average Daily Usage in Units x Average Lead Time in Days)


  • Max Daily Usage in Units” is the maximum number of units that are used in a day.
  • Average Daily Usage in Units” is the average number of units that are used in a day.
  • Max Lead Time in Days” is the maximum time it takes to get replacement items.
  • Average Lead Time in Days” is the average time it takes to get replacement items.

The result (safety stock) is the number of items that should be kept in inventory to avoid running out of stock.


An item has a maximum daily usage of 15 units and a maximum lead time of 23 days. It also has an average daily usage of 7 units and an average lead time of 10 days.

Safety Stock = (15 x 23) – (7 x 10) = 345 – 70 = 275

Therefore, the safety stock level is 275 units.

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