Corsi Calculator
Corsi is the total number of shot attempts (shots, missed shots, and blocked shots). It is also known as “SAT” or “Shot Attempts.”
“Corsi” has 3 main statistics:
- “Corsi” (Corsi +/-, C+/- or SAT+/-): The total number of offensive shot attempts minus the total number of defensive shot attempts.
- “Corsi For %” (CF% or SAT For %): The percentage of all the total shot attempts produced team and their opponents. A CF% of more than 50% means that the team produced more shot attempts than their opponent.
- “Relative Corsi” (CF% Rel or SAT% Rel): Shows the relative effect of a player on the ice. A positive CF% Rel means that when the player is on the ice, the team’s CF% is higher than when the player is not on the ice.
Corsi is similar to Fenwick (USAT). The difference is that Fenwick does not include blocked shots in its calculation.
Formula – How to calculate Corsi
- CF (SAT For) = Shots on Target For + Missed Shots For + Blocked Shots For
- CA (SAT Against) = Shots on Target Against + Missed Shots Against + Blocked Shots Against
- Corsi (also known as C+/- or SAT +/-) = CF – CA
- CF% (SAT For %) = CF ÷ (CF + CA) x 100%
- CF% Rel. = CF% with the player on the ice – CF% with the player off the ice
- All stats are taken from even strength, 5 on 5 play.
- “Shot” – An action that moves the puck towards the net that is either stopped by the goalie or is a goal.
- “Blocked shot” – An action that moves the puck towards the net that is blocked by a non-goalie player.
- “Missed shot” – An action that moves the puck towards the net that misses the net or hits the goalpost.
- “For” – An offensive action.
- “Against” – A defensive action.
A team and player have the following stats:
- For – entire team (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 1,091 – Missed Shots: 417 – Blocked Shots: 182
- Against – entire team (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 918 – Missed Shots: 422 – Blocked Shots: 111
- For – Team when player on ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 143 – Missed Shots: 53 – Blocked Shots: 22
- Against – Team when player on ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 122 – Missed Shots: 42 – Blocked Shots: 15
… then the statistics when the player is off ice would be:
- For – player off ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 948 – Missed Shots: 364 – Blocked Shots: 160
- Against – player off ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 796 – Missed Shots: 380 – Blocked Shots: 96
… and the Corsi numbers would be:
- Team Corsi For (CF or SAT For) = 1,091 + 417 + 182 = 1,690
- Team Corsi Against (CA or SAT Against) =918 + 422 + 111 = 1,451
- Team Corsi (C+/- or Sat +/-) = 239
- Team Corsi For Percentage (CF% or SAT for %) = 1,690 / (1,690 + 1,451) = 1,690 / 3,141 = 0.5380, or 53.80%
- Player Off Ice Corsi For (CF or SAT For) =948 + 364 + 160 = 1,472
- Player Off Ice Corsi Against (CA or SAT Against) = 796 + 380 + 96 = 1,272
- Player Off Ice Corsi (C+/- or Sat +/-) = 200
- Player Off Ice Corsi For Percentage (CF% or SAT for %) = 1,472 / (1,472 + 1,272) = 1,472 / 2,744 = 0.5364, or 53.64%
- Player On Ice Corsi For (CF or SAT For) =143 + 53 + 22 = 218
- Player On Ice Corsi Against (CA or SAT Against) = 122 + 42 + 15 = 179
- Player On Ice Corsi (C+/- or Sat +/-) = 39
- Player On Ice Corsi For Percentage (CF% or SAT for %) = 218 / (218 + 179) = 218 / 397 = 0.5491, or 54.91%
- Player Relative Corsi For = 54.91% – 53.64% = 1.27%
Sources and more resources
- The Hockey Writers – Hockey 201: What the Heck is Corsi? and Better Know a Statistic: Corsi & Fenwick – In depth overview of calculating Corsi, and what each term means in the context of a hockey game.
- Sports-Reference Blog – What the Heck is Corsi? A Primer on Advanced Hockey Statistics – Another in depth overview of calculating Corsi and the meaning of terms such as Corsi For and Relative Corsi.
- Wikipedia – Corsi (Statistic) and Analytics (Ice Hockey) – A summary, history, and criticism of corsi statistics.
- Silver Seven Sens – Introduction to Advanced Hockey Statistics: Corsi Number – More on Corsi. Includes discussion on adjusting Corsi for zone starts and Rel Corsi Qoc.
- Second City Hockey – Stats Made Simple Part 1: Corsi & Fenwick & Stats Made Simple Part 2: Score Close & Score Effect – An introduction to advanced statistics.
- Natural Stat Trick – Main Page, Team Glossary, and Player Glossary – Huge collection of hockey statistics. The glossaries are good for a quick explanation of terms.
- Rule Books for the NHL and the IIHF include definitions of terminology.