Fenwick Calculator (USAT) (Hockey)

LAST UPDATE: November 7th, 2024


What is Fenwick (USAT)?

Fenwick is the total number of unblocked shot attempts (shots and missed shots, but not blocked shots. It is also known as “Unblocked Shot Attempts” (USAT).

“Fenwick” has 3 main statistics:

  • “Fenwick” (Fenwick +/-, F+/- or USAT+/-): The total number of offensive unblocked shot attempts minus the total number of defensive unblocked shot attempts.
  • “Fenwick For %” (FF% or USAT For %): The percentage of all the total unblocked shot attempts produced by the team and their opponents. A FF% of more than 50% means that the team produced more shot attempts than their opponent.
  • “Relative Fenwick” (FF% Rel or USAT% Rel): Shows the relative effect of a player on the ice. A positive FF% Rel means that when the player is on the ice, the team’s FF% is higher than when the player is not on the ice.

Fenwick is similar to Corsi (SAT). The difference is that Corsi includes blocked shots in its calculation.

Formula (How to calculate Fenwick)

  • FF (USAT For) = Shots on Target For + Missed Shots For
  • FA (USAT Against) = Shots on Target Against + Missed Shots Against
  • Fenwick (also known as F+/- or USAT +/-) = FF – FA
  • FF% (USAT For %) = FF ÷ (FF + FA) x 100%
  • FF% Rel. = FF% with the player on the ice – FF% with the player off the ice
  • All stats are taken from even strength, 5 on 5 play.
  • “Shot” – An action that moves the puck towards the net that is either stopped by the goalie or is a goal.
  • “Blocked shot” – An action that moves the puck towards the net that is blocked by a non-goalie player.
  • “Missed shot” – An action that moves the puck towards the net that misses the net or hits the goalpost.
  • “For” – An offensive action.
  • “Against” – A defensive action.


A team and player have the following stats:

  • For – entire team (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 1,091 – Missed Shots: 417
  • Against – entire team (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 918 – Missed Shots: 422
  • For – Team when player on ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 143 – Missed Shots: 53
  • Against – Team when player on ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 122 – Missed Shots: 42

… then the statistics when the player is off ice would be:

  • For – player off ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 948 – Missed Shots: 364
  • Against – player off ice (5 on 5 play) – Shots: 796 – Missed Shots: 380

… and the Fenwick numbers would be:

  • Team Fenwick For (FF or USAT For) = 1,091 + 417 = 1,508
  • Team Fenwick Against (FA or USAT Against) =918 + 422 = 1,340
  • Team Fenwick (F+/- or USat +/-) = 168
  • Team Fenwick For Percentage (FF% or USAT for %) = 1,508 / (1,508 + 1,340) = 1,508 / 2,848 = 0.5295, or 52.95%
  • Player Off Ice Fenwick For (FF or USAT For) =948 + 364 = 1,312
  • Player Off Ice Fenwick Against (FA or USAT Against) = 796 + 380 = 1,176
  • Player Off Ice Fenwick (F+/- or USat +/-) = 136
  • Player Off Ice Fenwick For Percentage (FF% or USAT for %) = 1,312 / (1,312 + 1,176) = 1,312 / 2,488 = 0.5273, or 52.73%
  • Player On Ice Fenwick For (FF or USAT For) =143 + 53 = 196
  • Player On Ice Fenwick Against (FA or USAT Against) = 122 + 42 = 164
  • Player On Ice Fenwick (F+/- or USAT +/-) = 32
  • Player On Ice Fenwick For Percentage (FF% or USAT for %) = 196 / (196 + 164) = 196 / 360 = 0.5444, or 54.44%
  • Player Relative Fenwick For = 54.44% – 52.73% = 1.71%
