Assist Ratio Calculator

LAST UPDATE: September 23rd, 2020


Definition – What is “Assist Ratio”?

Assist ratio is a measurement of how frequently a team uses assists to contribute to offense.

A team with a high assist ratio is more likely to score using an assist than a team that does not. Teams with a high assist ratio are more likely to pass and work together. Teams with a low assist ratio are more likely to have a small number of stars who play on their own.

The statistic is credited to basketball statistician John Hollinger.

Formula – How to calculate Assist Ratio

Assist Ratio = (AST ÷ (FGA + (0.44 x FTA) + AST + TO)) x 100%


  • “AST” are assists.
  • “FGA” are field goal attempts.
  • “FTA” are free throw attempts.
  • “TO” are turnovers.


A team has 586 assists, 1909 field goal attempts, 858 free throw attempts, and 387 turnovers.

Assist Ratio = (586 ÷ (1909 + (0.44 x 858) + 586 + 387)) x 100%

Assist Ratio = (586 ÷ (1909 + 377.52 + 586 + 387)) x 100%

Assist Ratio = (586 ÷ 3259.52) x 100%

Assist Ratio = 0.1798 x 100%

Assist Ratio = 17.98%

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